

  • Mecca May 15, 2016  

    Beautiful said!!!

    • Mecca May 15, 2016  


  • Medinah May 15, 2016  

    Wow! He’s amazing his words were so accurate
    I wanna be like Malik J. Ali !!!

  • Gia Wesley May 15, 2016  

    Well said Malik J Ali, well said!

  • Dad/ May 15, 2016  

    Wake up everybody no more sleeping
    Such a beautiful message

  • La'Shay Wiggins May 15, 2016  

    Being an obese young African American…I’m working extremely hard on reprogramming. … I’m using the Malik mentality.. choosing to consume the foods that help and not hurt my body. One day at a time…. Good word!

  • Gina Scott May 15, 2016  

    Malik is an amazing human being. His thirst for knowledge and truth is being expressed.
    He strives for balance in his everyday life by eating live organic fruits and veggies that have great vibration.
    He’s articulate focused and driven.
    Love this actor!

  • Jeannette Kahaku May 15, 2016  

    Thank you Malik for sharing so true you will encourage people to eat healthy.

  • Dennis Farr May 15, 2016  

    Good for thought!